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Noticias del ShakeOut

05/12/2024: Cancelan aviso de tsunami luego de un sismo magnitud 7.0 en el norte de California (Telemundo)
13/11/2024: "Aquí no se ha podido recuperar nada": testimonios de cubanos tras el huracán Rafael y los terremotos (Martí Noticias)
12/11/2024: Qué hacer durante un terremoto y qué esperar días después, según expertos (ADN Cuba)
12/11/2024: Un terremoto en Cuba sacudió los candelabros y las persianas en Miami, a cientos de millas de distancia (El Nuevos Herald)
10/11/2024: Un fuerte sismo de magnitud 6.8 sacude la costa sureste de Cuba: USGS (Univision)
10/11/2024: Residentes de Miami reportan haber sentido las secuelas del terremoto ​​que afectó al oriente de Cuba (Telemundo51)
30/10/2024: Reportan terremoto de 6.1 de magnitud en el Pacífico, frente a la costa de Oregon (Telemundo)
24/10/2024: California destaca el primer sistema de alerta temprana de sismos en toda la nación en el día del gran simulacro (Uniradio informa )
17/10/2024: ¿A qué hora sonó la alerta del móvil el 17 de octubre por el Gran ShakeOut en California? (Gestion)
17/10/2024: Realizan el Gran Shakeout 2024, simulacro de terremotos, en escuela de San Juan (Wapa TV)
17/10/2024: Realizan californianos Gran Simulacro de Sismos (El Latino)
17/10/2024: Great California ShakeOut: lo que tienes que saber sobre el simulacro de terremoto anual (Telemundo 48)
17/10/2024: Retrospectiva al terremoto de Loma Prieta de 1989 (Kion News)
17/10/2024: Se cumplen 35 años del mortal terremoto Loma Prieta que sacudió el Área de la Bahía (Telemundo 48)
17/10/2024: Lo qué debes saber sobre el simulacro de terremoto Great California ShakeOut (Telemundo20)
16/10/2024: Varios terremotos sacudieron el sur de California. ¿Se avecina uno grande? (CNN Espanol)
19/09/2024: ¿Cuántos terremotos se han registrado en México un 19 de septiembre? (CNN Espanol)
17/09/2024: Servicio Geológico reporta un terremoto de magnitud 5.1 en el oeste de Texas (Telemundo Amarillo)
16/09/2024: Leve sismo sacude el área de Malibú en la madrugada del lunes (Telemundo)
12/09/2024: Un terremoto de magnitud 4,7 sacude el sur de California en Malibú (LA Times)
10/09/2024: Los terremotos están formando grandes pepitas de oro bajo la tierra (Ngenespanol)
03/09/2024: Google lanza alertas de terremotos para Android en EE.UU,. (
03/09/2024: Un año después del terremoto en Turquía: "Esto no ha terminado" (
30/08/2024: Tras serie de sismos en California: ¿Estamos Preparados para el Gran Terremoto? (Telemundo 20)
24/08/2024: Un temblor de magnitud preliminar 6.2 en el Pacífico sacude Guatemala y El Salvador (Noticias Telemundo)
12/08/2024: Sismo de magnitud 4.4 sacude área de Highland Park (ABC 7 News)
08/08/2024: Aplicación de alerta temprana de terremotos avisó a californianos de sismo cerca de Bakersfield (Telemundo 52)
09/07/2024: Leve temblor afecto a la zona sur del país: Revisa de cuanto fue la magnitud (Central Noticia)
09/07/2024: Los científicos de Rutgers buscan crear la mejor imagen de la zona de la falla de Ramapo (Tapinto)
08/07/2024: ¡Sacudida Inesperada en el Norte! Descubre Cómo Estar Preparado Ante Sismos (El Reporte Diario)
06/07/2024: En qué lugar de Chile podría ocurrir el próximo gran terremoto: esto dice un experto (Latercera)
05/07/2024: Temporada de Huracanes: ¿Preparaste el Plan de Alimentación Saludable para Emergencias? (WIPR)
04/07/2024: Haití registró 317 terremotos en el primer semestre de 2024 (Prensa-latina)
28/06/2024: Sismo de magnitud 7.0 sacude el sur de Perú y desata alerta de tsunami (Univision)
24/06/2024: "Temblor de magnitud preliminar 2.9 sacude el área de Highland Park y zonas aledañas " (Telemundo )
18/06/2024: Nevada es el tercer estado con más terremotos del país (Espanol Review)
16/06/2024: Sismo de 6,3 de magnitud sacude sur de Perú con epicentro en el Pacífico (Univison )
05/06/2024: La alineación de las fallas causa los terremotos, no la fricción (infobae)
04/06/2024: Sismo de magnitud 3.0 sacude el área de South Pasadena (ABC7)
31/05/2024: Simulacro Nacional Multipeligro 2024: ¿A qué hora se realizará ejercicio promovido por Indeci? (RPP)
31/05/2024: Único en su tipo, dedicado exclusivamente a los sismos (Funvisis)
29/05/2024: Reportan un terremoto en Oaxaca este miércoles 29 de mayo (Clima)
28/05/2024: Cuáles son los consejos para viajar a Nápoles después de los terremotos (Infobae)
26/05/2024: ¿Cuándo vendrá un terremoto? el hallazgo científico que podría usar las lluvias para resolverlo (
25/05/2024: Así lucía la CDMX a principios de 1986, pocos meses después del terremoto de 1985 (Infobae)
20/05/2024: La frontera entre California y México fue azotada por un terremoto por segunda vez en una semana. ¿Qué está pasando? (Natura Hoy)
20/05/2024: Temblor de 4.1 cerca de Ocotillo Wells sacude el condado de San Diego (Telemundo 20)
19/05/2024: Un sismo de 5,5 sacude a Caracas y la zona costera de Venezuela sin reportes de daños (El Nuevo Herald)
19/05/2024: Realizan simulacro de terremoto en la costa de Newport, Oregon (Univison Portland)
17/05/2024: ¿Qué debe tener una mochila de emergencia? (Gestión Videos)
16/05/2024: ¿Perú está preparado ante un posible megaterremoto? Tres iniciativas para reducir el riesgo de desastres (Business Empresarial)
08/05/2024: Descubren que el clima podría ser factor para que se produzcan terremotos (Informador )
05/05/2024: ¿Qué debo hacer durante y después de un terremoto y qué suministros de emergencia necesito? (AS USA Latino)
30/04/2024: Mochila de emergencia: còmo preparala para enfrentar un sismo (Andina)
26/04/2024: ¿Puede la ciencia detectar tempranamente un terremoto? (Plaza Cielo Tierra)
24/04/2024: ¡No dejes que un sismo te tome por sorpresa! ¿Estás preparado en caso de una emergencia? (Telemundo 20)
23/04/2024: Decenas de sismos sacuden la costa este de Taiwán y provocan derrumbe parcial de edificios (La Opiniòn)
22/04/2024: Sismo de magnitud 6,1 sacude la costa este de Taiwán (CNN)
15/04/2024: Lo que los científicos esperan aprender del sismo y las réplicas en Nueva Jersey (Telemundo 47)
11/04/2024: No, los terremotos no se pueden predecir como se afirmó tras el sismo de Nueva York (El Tiempo Latino)
08/04/2024: Abril: Mes Nacional de Preparaciòn para Terremotos (Peninsula 360 Press)
05/04/2024: El mayor terremoto en décadas que sacudió Taiwán no la doblegó y puso en relieve su preparación. Estas son las lecciones aprendidas (CNN)
05/04/2024: Un terremoto de 4.8 grados sacude Nueva York y se siente en parte de la cost este (EuroNews)
03/04/2024: Al menos 9 personas mueren y más de 900 resultan heridas en un terremoto de magnitud 7,4 en Taiwán (BBC News Mundo)
02/04/2024: ¿Cómo se determina la magnitud de un terremoto? (CNN)
20/03/2024: La Universidad Jorge Basadre de Tacna estrena laboratorio con simulador de terremotos avanzado (Tu Diario)
20/03/2024: Sean inundaciones, terremotos u otras crisis, el impacto en el acceso al agua potable es inmediato y duradero. (IFRC)
18/03/2024: Unos sí y otros no: Esta es la explicación por la que no todos los vecinos de Lugo percibieron el terremoto (Cadena Ser)
18/03/2024: Rocas de hace 3,300 millones de años revelan evidencias de los primeros terremotos en la Tierra (National Geographic en Español)
18/03/2024: Se cumplen 4 años del terremoto que sacudió a Utah (Telemundo Utah)
07/03/2024: Sismos y terremotos: Desarrollan un sistema original para protección de viviendas (Conicet)
29/02/2024: Temblor en EE.UU. hoy, 29 de febrero: la hora exacta, lugar y epicentro del nuevo sismo según informa el USGS (La Nacion)
27/02/2024: 14 años del 27/F: Expertos UdeC analizan avances y desafíos para enfrentar nuevos terremotos (Noticas UdeC)
27/02/2024: Los terremotos afectan a la resiliencia de los bosques durante décadas después de los seísmos ¿cómo y por qué? (Meteored
26/02/2024: Ecuador y Líbano, países con mayor carga de muertes por terremotos (Prensa Latina)
13/02/2024: Terremotos en California: qué hacer antes, durante y después de un sismo (52 Telemundo)
19/09/2023: México: millones participan de simulacro en el aniversario de los terremotos de 1985 y 2017 (Telemundo 52)
18/08/2023: Reportan nuevo sismo de magnitud 5.1 horas después de gran terremoto en Colombia (Telemundo 52)
28/07/2023: ...Y aquella madrugada, un terremoto de 7.9 tiró al Ángel de la Independencia (Excelsior)
28/07/2023: Ocurrió terremoto de magnitud 7 ayer en Papua Nueva Guinea (TRT Español)
06/07/2023: Ingenieros alertan de la falta de preparación de España en caso de terremoto (El Periodico de Espana)
13/06/2023: Terremoto de magnitud 5.4 sacude el norte de India (Primera Hora)
22/05/2023: 63 años del Gran Terremoto de Chile (FUNVISIS)
20/05/2023: Segundo terremoto sacude a Nueva Caledonia (teleSURtv)
27/03/2019: Know Your Zone, then Walk the Talk!
20/03/2019: California's Tsunami Preparedness Week Set for March 25-29 with Record Number of Participants (PR Newswire)
16/03/2019: CARIBE WAVE 2019 and Live Test of V.I. Emergency Notification Systems Are Successful (St Croix Source)
14/03/2019: Lori Dengler: Tsunami week(s), and a casualty of the federal shutdown (Eureka Times-Standard)
14/03/2019: Onamet realizará este jueves un simulacro de tsunami (Candela .com)
14/03/2019: Onamet realizará este jueves un simulacro de tsunami (Diario Libre)
14/03/2019: Meteorología hará este jueves un simulacro de tsunami en RD (
14/03/2019: A participar de simulacro: Hoy los municipios activan sirenas de aviso de tsunami (La Isla Oeste)
14/03/2019: Onamet realizará este jueves un simulacro de tsunami (
14/03/2019: Completado el simulacro de tsunami Caribe Wave (
14/03/2019: Comunidad El Maní participa del simulacro Caribe Wave 2019 (La Isla Oeste)
14/03/2019: Caribe Wave 2019 : pour se familiariser avec le risque tsunami - Guadeloupe la 1ère (Saint Pierre & Miquelon)
13/03/2019: Manejo de Emergencias exhorta a participar del Caribe Wave 2019 (La perla del sur)
13/03/2019: Siguen sin confirmar nivel de “jamaqueo” del temblor (Metro Puerto Rico)
13/03/2019: Red Sísmica continúa investigando temblor de ayer - NOTICEL (Tu Camara de Comercio Puerto Rico)
13/03/2019: Aún por confirmar nivel de “jamaqueo” tras terremoto del martes | Periódico Presencia (Presencia PR)
13/03/2019: Caribe Wave 2019, un exercice pour se préparer au risque tsunami (People Bo Kay | Le webzine de chez nous !)
13/03/2019: Estudiarán nivel de “jamaqueo” del terremoto del martes (Metro Puerto Rico)
13/03/2019: Exhortan a participar de simulacro Caribe Wave 2019 (EL VOCERO)
12/03/2019: KUSI News at 6:30PM (KUSI)
11/03/2019: ¡CARIBE WAVE! Puerto Rico (New Forum Topics)
08/03/2019: Red Sísmica invita a registrarse y participar del ejercicio de tsunami Caribe Wave 2019 (La Isla Oeste)
07/03/2019: A una semana para el simulacro de terremoto y tsunami en Puerto Rico (Primera Hora)
07/03/2019: La Red Sísmica celebrará el Caribe Wave 2019 (El Nuevo Día/ The new day)
07/03/2019: Invitan a registrarse y participar simulacro de tsunami (La perla del sur)
07/03/2019: Realizarán simulacro de tsunami “Caribe Wave 2019" (EL VOCERO)
07/03/2019: Red Sísmica y NMEAD hacen llamado a participar del ejercicio de tsunami Caribe Wave 2019 | Periódico Presencia (Presencia PR)
07/03/2019: A participar del Caribe Wave 2019 (
06/03/2019: 2019 Bluffdale Earthquake Sequence FAQ (The University of Utah)
06/03/2019: Integrated Public Alert and Warning System to Conduct Live Test March 14 (St. John Tradewinds)
05/03/2019: San Diego Schools Tsunami Video Contest! (San Diego Metropolitan Magazine)
05/03/2019: Annual Tsunami Warning Test Cancelled This Year Due to Lingering Effects of Government Shutdown (Studio Cataldi)
05/03/2019: NOW Grenada (NOW Grenada)
01/03/2019: VITEMA Shares Ways to Participate in Upcoming CARIBE WAVE Tsunami Warning Exercise (The St. Thomas Source)
28/01/2019: Register Now for California's #TsunamiPrep Week!
24/09/2018: Take a ride on the 'Big Shaker' simulator Friday in Seattle (K5News)
24/09/2018: Arizona makes preparations in the event of catastrophic earthquake (Fox10 PHX)
24/09/2018: September's National Preparedness Month is a Reminder to Join Millions in October's Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills (SCEC)
27/08/2018: TsuInfo Alert Newsletter - August 2018 (NTHMP)
27/08/2018: Earthquake Preparedness: Join Campuses Worldwide for the Great ShakeOut Drill (Campus Safety Magazine)
27/08/2018: How USC Integrates the Great ShakeOut Into Its Emergency Management Plan (Campus Safety Magazine)
22/08/2018: Magnitude 6.2 Earthquake 265 KM WNW of Bandon, OR (USGS)
22/08/2018: A Milestone for Forecasting Earthquake Hazards (AGU EOS)
14/08/2018: Heroic nurses react to eathquake in southwest China (South China Morning Post )
13/08/2018: Lombok earthquake death toll surges above 400 (CNN)
13/08/2018: Only deadly NZ tsunami on record hit the Chathams, 150 years ago (The Press NZ)
10/08/2018: Indonesian Islands Were Shaken in Quake. Tourists' Confidence Was Too. (New York Times)
09/08/2018: Forget Doorframes: Expert Advice on Earthquake Survival Strategies (Scientific American)
08/08/2018: Hunting for Landslides from Cascadia’s Great Earthquakes (AGU EOS)
07/08/2018: The Latest: Soldiers pull man alive from collapsed mosque (ABC News)
07/08/2018: More Than 100 Dead After Indonesia's 2nd Major Earthquake In A Week (AOL Canada)
07/08/2018: Research finds that earthquakes can systematically trigger other ones on the opposite side of Earth (Continuity Central)
06/08/2018: Better Performance and New Features on USGS Earthquake Website (AGU EOS)
06/08/2018: Indonesia Earthquake: At Least 98 Dead and 20,000 Homeless (New York Times)
06/08/2018: Surrey earthquakes: Scientists call for oil drilling ban as mysterious tremors continue to strike region (The Independent)
01/08/2018: Re-measuring Mt Everest (Nepali Times)
31/07/2018: New Model Reveals Rips in Earth's Mantle Layer Below Southern Tibet (Research & Development)
30/07/2018: Shakeout drill successful, says city gov’t (Manila Bulletin)
28/07/2018: Lombok earthquake: 14 killed on Indonesian tourist island (CNN)
28/07/2018: Deadly Quake Strikes Indonesian Island of Lombok (The New York Times)
26/07/2018: Big one' coming? Earthquakes off the West Coast could eventually trigger a global event (FOX News)
24/07/2018: Researchers develop model for predicting landslides caused by earthquakes (PHYS.ORG)
22/07/2018: Minor earthquake again shakes Sea of Galilee (The Times of Israel)
22/07/2018: Iran SHAKES after fourth major earthquake hits country in two days (
21/07/2018: Frida the hero dog gets her own statue for saving people in wake of Mexico earthquake (CBS NEWS)
16/07/2018: The 'death box' where Seattle earthquake researchers work (KUOW)
14/07/2018: CHECKLIST: What barangays should prepare for an earthquake (Rappler)
14/07/2018: How to put together an earthquake/typhoon preparedness kit at the �100 shop (Japan Today)
14/07/2018: ARC 'Pillowcase Project' increases hazard awareness (Hill Country Community Journal)
11/07/2018: Watch Cats Run 10 Seconds Before an Earthquake Hits (Huffington Post)
10/07/2018: Israel Steps Up Earthquake Preparation after Series of Tremors (CBN News)
10/07/2018: Be Prepared: Safety Tips to Follow Before, During and After an Earthquake (The Jerusalem Post)
10/07/2018: 9 natural disasters that took the lives of hundreds of thousands (Business Insider)
09/07/2018: Estimate: 80,000 Buildings in Danger of Collapsing in Face of Earthquake (The Jerusalem Post)
03/07/2018: What's shakin'? Broadband networks, fiber-optic cables could help detect earthquakes (USA Today)
02/07/2018: What was learned form the Osaka earthquake? (Japan Times)
29/06/2018: New Simulations Break Down Potential Impact of a Major Quake by Building Location and Size (Office of Science - U.S. Department of Energy)
28/06/2018: Explosions at Hawaii's Kilauea summit keep producing magnitude 5.3 quakes (CNN)
27/06/2018: A Seismic Change in Predicting How Earthqaukes Will Shake Tall Buildings (New York Times)
26/06/2018: Hokkaido and Pacific coast now understood to face higher risk of powerful earthquakes (Japan Times)
26/06/2018: Leading earthquake scientists, engineers, and policymakers convene so societies can better prepare to survive and recover (Philadelphia Tribune)
24/06/2018: Local authorities say more than 6,000 structures were damaged in recent Osaka earthquake (Japan Times)
22/06/2018: Summer Could Trigger Major Earthquakes (It's Not Why You Think) (LiveScience)
21/06/2018: Researchers say an earthquake emoji could save lives (Fast Company)
18/06/2018: Writing About Earthquakes, and Feeling One (New York Times)
18/06/2018: No, World Cup Fans Didn't Trigger an Earthquake. Here's Why. (National Geographic)
18/06/2018: 4 dead after Osaka hit with massive 6.1 magnitude earthquake (Dayton Daily News)
18/06/2018: Mexico fans may have caused an earthquake while celebrating World Cup win (Deseret Morning News)
17/06/2018: Earthquake kills 3, injures hundreds in western Japan (LA Times)
14/06/2018: Northland introduces indoor tsunami alerting option (Insurance Business New Zealand)
14/06/2018: Underwater fiber-optic cables could moonlight as earthquake sensors (Science News Online)
13/06/2018: National Security: National Preparedness Month (ALA In the Know eBulletin)
13/06/2018: Smart ECBS boosts NDRRMC disaster preparedness efforts (SwirlingOverCoffee)
05/06/2018: Why is Guatemala's volcanic eruption so much deadlier than Hawaii's? (
04/06/2018: We still dont know how to predict major earthquakes, and its possible we never will (Yahoo! News)
03/06/2018: How to Pack an Emergency Kit for Any Disaster (nytimes)
27/05/2018: Aichi hopes to see million participate in September quake drill (japantimes)
23/05/2018: How to earthquake proof your home for less than $50 (ABC7)
04/05/2018: Kilauea Volcano Erupts, Spewing Lava and Gases Near Homes in Hawaii (nytimes)
17/04/2018: USGS forecasts 400 fires, 20,000 people trapped in elevators, 400,000 homeless in East Bay earthquake (NY Times)
17/04/2018: San Francisco’s Big Seismic Gamble (NY Times)
10/04/2018: Aftershocks hit Papua New Guinea as it recovers from a remote major earthquake (Random Thoughts)
10/04/2018: USA: Federal funding increase moves ShakeAlert closer to reality (Prevention Web)
10/04/2018: Magnitude 6.2 earthquake rattles Chile (Sify)
10/04/2018: Haiti Records 20 Earthquakes During First Quarter Of This Year (Pride News)
09/04/2018: Wales earthquake is biggest 'onshore UK event' in 10 years (Bismarck Tribune)
06/04/2018: PNG earthquake’s political aftershocks require careful handling (East Asia Forum)
05/04/2018: 6.2 magnitude quake strikes Mindanao in Philippines: USGS (Indian Express)
04/04/2018: Can Asia improve its mixed record on disaster preparedness? (Nikkei Asian Review)
04/04/2018: Is the Ring of Fire becoming more active? (Nikkei Asian Review)
04/04/2018: Lori Dengler: April 1, 1946 tsunami no joke (Eureka Times-Standard)
03/04/2018: Mag 5.9 quake shakes El Salvador, but no damage reported (ABC News)
03/04/2018: Powerful 6.8 quake strikes Bolivia: USGS (Business Standard India)
03/04/2018: Modeling future earthquake and tsunami risk in southeast Japan (Innovations Report)
03/04/2018: A giant crack in Kenya opens up, but what's causing it? (CBS News)
03/04/2018: Mexico analyzes seismological footprint with Japanese technology (Notimex)
03/04/2018: Major insurer to charge more for high risk earthquake prone homes yesterday (Newstalk ZB)
02/04/2018: What on Earth? (What on Earth?)
29/03/2018: How effective are earthquake warnings? (Financial Express Bangladesh)
28/03/2018: Watch a beautiful documentary about Ryuichi Sakamoto’s tsunami-damaged piano (Fact Magazine)
28/03/2018: Earthquake imminent; Geological Survey Authority warns (Graphic Ghana)
27/03/2018: Top Ten Doomsday Disasters (Top Ten Doomsday Disasters)
27/03/2018: San Diego Fourth Graders Learn About Tsunami Hazard (San Diego County OES)
27/03/2018: Are You in the Zone? It's Tsunami Preparedness Week in California! (ECA)
26/03/2018: Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Tsunami Preparedness Week (Cal OES)
26/03/2018: Second Annual Tsunami Preparedness Walk and Resource Fair Helps Residents Prepare for Future Disasters (LB Post)
26/03/2018: Seal Beach to participate in 2018 National Tsunami Preparedness Week (Orange County Breeze)
26/03/2018: It’s Tsunami Preparedness Week; here are 8 things to know to stay safe (OC Register)
23/03/2018: Preparing for the potential high tides ahead (Signal Hill Tribune)
23/03/2018: Officials to test tsunami warning system in Central and Southern California during Tsunami Preparedness Week (NOAA)
20/03/2018: Candles on the Sand (Santa Monica Mirror)
14/03/2018: Register for the "Webinar on Tsunamis" This Tuesday!
20/02/2018: Earthquake early warning: How the U.S. trails Mexico in potential life-saver (
19/02/2018: Earthquake shakes southern Mexico for second time in three days (
19/02/2018: Large Mexico quakes offer clues about the Northwest (
17/02/2018: Britain reacts to an underwhelming" earthquake" (
17/02/2018: 7.2 quake damages 50 homes, but Mexico avoids major destruction (
17/02/2018: Helicopter Assessing Earthquake Damage Crashes In Mexico, Killing 13 (
16/02/2018: Magnitude 7.2 earthquake slams Mexico's Oaxaca state (
15/02/2018: How to Prepare Your Community for a Disaster (
06/02/2018: Quake alerts no substitute for resilient buildings, communities (
06/02/2018: 2 dead, 198 injured after 6.4-magnitude quake off Taiwan (
06/02/2018: M6.4 Taiwan temblor leaves at least two dead, topples hotel: premier (
05/02/2018: Philippines volcano seen from space in satellite images (
05/02/2018: Weak Hydrogen Bonds Key to Strong, Tough Infrastructure (
05/02/2018: Lava fountains, rumbling, earthquakes continue at Mayon (
05/02/2018: Hualien quakes sign that Taiwan has entered 100-year earthquake cycle: Researcher (
05/02/2018: 'Swarm' of 19 earthquakes strike eastern Taiwan on Tuesday (
04/02/2018: Global toll from landslides is heaviest in developing countries (
02/02/2018: China launches satellite to study earthquake precursors (
02/02/2018: Should you buy earthquake insurance? (
02/02/2018: Surviving natural disasters: Earthquake and tsunami scenarios (
01/02/2018: WATCH | Mayon Volcano spews less lava but more ash; experts remain watchful (
31/01/2018: Pakistan and Afghanistan rocked by deadly earthquake (
31/01/2018: Japan: Resilient Infrastructure PPPs - Contracts and Procurement: The Case of Japan (
31/01/2018: NZ_s big natural disaster questions get $1m EQC research funding (
31/01/2018: Retrofit Grants Available for California Homes (CEA)
29/01/2018: Tsunami Drill: School Tsunami Preparedness (
29/01/2018: Lecture to tell how to camp in house after disaster strikes (
27/01/2018: Emergency Management Experts Encourage San Franciscans to Prepare for Disasters (
24/01/2018: What sets this week_s tsunami apart from the 1964 earthquake and tsunami (
23/01/2018: Earthquake Shakes Alaska and Sends a Shudder of Alarm Along the Coast (New York Times)
28/11/2017: Surprise: Increased Hurricane Activity During the Younger Dryas (
28/11/2017: 'Megathrust' Earthquake And Tsunami Could Ravage New Zealand (
25/11/2017: A call for preparedness (
24/11/2017: Israel raises tsunami awareness (
22/10/2017: Millions Worldwide Participate In 2017 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills (
20/10/2017: The Whole State of California Did an Earthquake Drill. Here's How You Can Prepare, Too. (
19/10/2017: California Prepares for the 'Big One' With Earthquake Drill (
19/10/2017: Memories of the Northridge Earthquake ripple as CSUN takes part in the Great ShakeOut (
16/10/2017: Millions Worldwide Participate In 2017 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills (SCEC)
16/10/2017: Great California ShakeOut Southern California Primary Media Event – Expo Park in Los Angeles (SCEC)
13/10/2017: Great California ShakeOut Southern California Primary Media Event – Expo Park in Los Angeles (SCEC)
13/10/2017: Great California ShakeOut Bay Area Primary Media Event – Google Offices in Mountain View (SCEC)
11/10/2017: Millions of California Residents to Participate in ShakeOut, the World's Largest Earthquake Drill (SCEC)
10/10/2017: How Radio and TV Stations Can Support Nationwide Participation in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills (SCEC)
15/04/2017: ShakeOut Earthquake Drill (
15/04/2017: Prepare athon earthquakes_htg_final_508 (
24/03/2017: Japanese Earthquake Simulators Shake You Out Of Complacency (
27/02/2017: UNDP DRM launches educational game against disasters at UNESCO palace (
23/02/2017: Alberta's emergency task force prepared for disaster (
09/02/2017: Sister city delegation to visit Japan (
07/02/2017: Aceh Determined To Bounce Back From... (
01/11/2016: BIG Earthquake/Tsunami Event Is Now Possible Out There In The Pacific!!!!! A 5.9 Struck on Tuesday AND One Could Be Much Bigger!!! Be Watching!!! (
29/10/2016: Earthquake shake out (
25/10/2016: City staff practices earthquake drill (
25/10/2016: FEMA Encourages Participation in Oct. 20 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill (
25/10/2016: APTS Commends Public Broadcasting, Emergency Services in Great California ShakeOut (
21/10/2016: Nouveau tremblement de terre au Japon, pas de victimes (
21/10/2016: NEWSALERT-TWITTER - Twitter, Spotify disrupted as internet provider reports attack. (AFP) NSA 10211825 NNNN (
20/10/2016: 5 things you need to know Thursday (
18/10/2016: FEMA: $866 Million in California earthquake, fire risk-reduction grants awarded since Loma Prieta, Oakland-Berkeley Hills Fire (
18/10/2016: FEMA Bulletin Week of October 17, 2016 (
17/10/2016: “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”: Worldwide ShakeOut drill to be held 20 October (
28/09/2016: 10/20 Earthquake Drills (
06/09/2016: Scientists may have solved mystery of giant Midwest earthquakes (Science Magazine)
22/07/2016: Marines join Okinawan exercise to prepare for disasters
20/07/2016: Tokyo jolted by third quake in four days - Breitbart
18/07/2016: Mid-Market Firms Fall Short on Natural Catastrophe Risk Management: Assurex Global
17/07/2016: Ten priority areas identified under NDMP to improve response capacity
04/05/2016: 5 things to avoid if an earthquake strikes (AccuWeather Inc.)
19/04/2016: The Latest: Ecuador says death toll from quake jumps to 413 (
19/04/2016: Ecuador counts over 400 quake deaths, damage in the billions (
19/04/2016: Aftershocks Rattle Japan as Deaths From Quakes Rise to 45 (The New York Times)
19/04/2016: Dramatic Rescue Amid Rubble Gives Ecuador Hope for Survivors (The New York Times)
19/04/2016: Preparing for the Big One (Huffington Post)
19/04/2016: More aftershocks feared in wake of Kumamoto quake (
19/04/2016: Japan Earthquake: 'I Thought I Was Going to Die' (The New York Times)
07/03/2016: Documenting Tohoku's long road to recovery (The Japan Times)
27/01/2016: MAN-MADE EARTHQUAKE/TSUNAMI ALERT (JAN 27, 2016): CIA Plotting Apocalyptic Man-Made Earthquake/Tsunami Attack this January—California, Hawaii, Japan, Mexico, New York City & Seattle Most Likely to Suffer Attack (
22/10/2015: Lost in translation: German couple try to flee Dunedin due to quake forecast (The Press)
16/10/2015: The Great ShakeOut (Oman Observer)
15/06/2015: Businessmen back MMDA’s quake drill (Manila Standard Today)
29/05/2015: How to Establish an Earthquake Preparedness Plan? (Before It's News)
29/05/2015: San Andreas, The Movie: 5 Geology Facts Versus Fictions (Science 2.0)
29/05/2015: UNR lab director separates facts from earthquake fiction in movie 'San Andreas' (Carson Now)
21/05/2015: Earthquake’s “Triangle of Life” Hoax Debunked by PHIVOLCS (Philnews)
20/05/2015: Disaster preparation keys Building Safety Month (News Tribune)
12/05/2015: Earthquake - Standing on Shaky Ground (Bali Advertiser)
05/05/2015: Be prepared for the big Shakeout (Fairfax Media Digital Edition)
01/05/2015: Earthquake safety at home (The Himalayan Times)
16/10/2014: Damaged National Cathedral Hosts ‘Great ShakeOut’ Earthquake Drill (CBS Baltimore)
16/10/2014: Great Shakeout to Prepare Millions of People for Earthquakes (Claims Journal)
16/10/2014: Millions to Participate in `Great ShakeOut` Earthquake Drill (Yahoo! News)
16/10/2014: Millions to participate in Great ShakeOut earthquake drill (ABC7 News)
16/10/2014: 25 million to join ‘Great Shakeout’ earthquake drill (American Banking & Market News)
16/10/2014: Preparing For Earthquakes With The 'Great ShakeOut' Drill (
16/10/2014: Students participate in Great ShakeOut safety drill (Wmc Tv)
16/10/2014: Global Earthquake Preparedness Day (Q 101.9)
16/10/2014: Washington National Cathedral to host 4th annual 'ShakeOut Earthquake Drill' event (
15/10/2014: Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill is Oct. 16th (Nebraska Radio Network)
15/10/2014: Nebraskans To Prepare For Earthquakes October 16 (1011Now)
15/10/2014: Nebraskans urged to participate in earthquake drill Thursday (KMTV)
15/10/2014: Great ShakeOut getting underway at National Cathedral (Wusa9)
15/10/2014: Earthquake-damaged Washington National Cathedral hosts drill; Millions participate in nationwide earthquake preparedness events (
15/10/2014: Quake-damaged Washington National Cathedral hosts experts as part of national earthquake drill (The Republic (AP))
15/10/2014: American Red Cross urging Oklahomans to participate in earthquake preparedness drill (The Republic (AP))
15/10/2014: Ohioans practice earthquake response, joining millions of participants in regional exercise (The Republic (AP))
15/10/2014: Ohioans practice earthquake response in exercise (
15/10/2014: Damaged DC cathedral hosts earthquake drill event (Voice of Alexandria)
15/10/2014: Great Shakeout: Companies practice reaction to earthquakes (The Journal Record)
14/10/2014: Más de 25.2 millones de personas participarán en simulacro de sismos (
12/10/2014: Nebraskans to Take Part in Earthquake Drill (KFOR 1240am)
10/10/2014: (Neb.)-Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill To Be Held Thursday (
09/10/2014: The likelihood of a California Big One “uncomfortably high”: Experts (Knowledge Bylanes)
05/09/2014: Earthquake Preparedness: Household Precautions for the Big One (Remodelista)
24/10/2013: Greater Manilans need all-out earthquake drills (
23/10/2013: Blair Pointe drops, covers and holds on (Peru Tribune)
22/10/2013: News: JECC participates in largest earthquake exercise ever (DVIDS)
21/10/2013: News: Team Niagara participates in the Great ShakeOut drill (DVIDS)
20/10/2013: West Side schools test earthquake readiness (The Spokesman-Review)
19/10/2013: Global Earthquake Drill a Success (Occupational Health & Safety)
18/10/2013: 「蹲下、掩護、穩住」 卑詩地震演習 (世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊)
18/10/2013: 地震大演習 全球千萬人疏散 (世界新聞網-北美華文新聞、華商資訊)
18/10/2013: 全省69萬人演習大地震 (加拿大温哥华中文新闻网 - 星岛日报)
18/10/2013: 美國舉行世界最大規模地震演習 場面逼真(高清組圖) ( / 6) (中國網 - 新聞中心)
17/10/2013: Милиони американци тренират оцеляване при земетресение (
17/10/2013: DRILL Alert – An Earthquake has Occurred in your area (Oct 17,2013) (Before It's News)
17/10/2013: Despite a few earthquakes in Ireland this year, we’re not signed up to earthquake drill today (Yahoo! News UK & Ireland)
17/10/2013: Earthquake Preparedness Tips for Property Owners (Buildings)
17/10/2013: Earthquake Preparedness Tips for Property Owners (Interiors And Sources)
17/10/2013: Four Countries Mobilize for Global Earthquake Drill (
17/10/2013: Millions to take part in global earthquake drill (Yahoo! News)
17/10/2013: 洛马普列塔地震纪念日 旧金山小学训练避难 (大紀元)
17/10/2013: 全球最大地震演習 近千萬加州人參與 (04:20) (Oriental Daily WAP)
17/10/2013: Your City Might Not Be Ready for the Next Big Quake (Time Magazine (Europe))
17/10/2013: 近70萬人參與 卑詩舉行地震大演習 (环球华网加拿大)
17/10/2013: 近70万人参与 卑诗举行地震大演习 (环球华网)
17/10/2013: 全球最大规模地震演习 近2500万人参与 (中化新网)
16/10/2013: BOMA ready for world’s biggest earthquake drill (Real Estate Weekly)
16/10/2013: Earthquake drill scheduled for today (
14/10/2013: Great ShakeOut Oct. 17 (The News Guard)
13/10/2013: Triple Threat… (Before It's News)
13/10/2013: Debt Ceiling Deadline Approaches; New Jersey Senate Race Tightens; Red Sox Vs. Tigers ( - Transcripts)
10/10/2013: DROP, COVER and HOLD ON! (The Ismaili)
10/10/2013: The Great ShakeOut drill: Do you know what to do when an earthquake strikes? (The Ismaili)
10/10/2013: Join American Red Cross for Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill - October 17 (FOX 14 TV)
09/10/2013: Alitalia and the great European airline shakeout (Report on Business - The Globe and Mail)
09/10/2013: Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? (Truthout)
08/10/2013: Brazil’s Pm Furious Over Spying, Canada Looking Into Matter (Zimbio)
08/10/2013: Is Homeland Security preparing for the next Wall Street collapse? (Intrepid Report)
07/10/2013: Is Homeland Security Preparing for the Next Wall Street Collapse? – The Last Desperate Thrashings of a Dinosaur (Before It's News)
07/10/2013: The Great Globalization ShakeOut (A.T. Kearney)
07/10/2013: Is Homeland Security Preparing For The Next Wall Street Collapse? (Before It's News)
05/10/2013: 10/17/13: EQ Drills, NEO’s, Economic Shutdown & More! (Before It's News)
01/10/2013: Great Shake Out: Earthquake Preparedness (The Peoples Voice)
31/08/2013: The World: 'ShakeOut' earthquake drills spreading across Japan (AllVoices)
25/08/2013: “Secure Your Space” to Get Ready for the “Great ShakeOut” (PRWeb)
04/04/2013: DAV students make mock earthquake drill a success (Hindustan Times - News)

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
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