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Utah Prepare Conference and Expo

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April 14, 2011, 8 am - 5 pm, Presentation at Davis Conference Center

Event Location:
Davis Conference Center
1651 N. 700 W.
Layton, UT 84041 (Map)

Contact Person:
Teresa Hunsaker, Utah State University Cooperative Extension , 801-399-8207

Preparedness Conference and Expo will feature classes, workshops, demonstrations, vendors and a variety of special guests.

Full Description:
Utah State University Extension across the great state of Utah is committed to assisting families in the area of personal and family preparedness. In fact, nationally the university Extension system is working together to address this issue of preparedness through the Extension Disaster Education Network.

In light of so many natural disasters and the current economic conditions, we have seen the need for all to be more prepared…no matter where you live or who you are.

With that in mind, USU Extension has teamed up with Be Ready Utah and others to bring Utah residents a day of “learning beyond the basics” at a Preparedness Conference and Expo. Classes and workshops, demonstrations and vendors, will all be a part of this event.

Opening Address:
Utah Lt. Governor Greg Bell

Keynote Address:
Barbara Salsbury

Workshops Include:

-Using Dry Milk in All Your Meals Through SOS Mix
-Water Supply: How is It Treated and How Secure Is It?
-Shelf Life of Stored Food
-Cooking with Food Storage
-Mock Root Cellars—Storing Veggies and Fruit
-Grab and Go Boxes
-Are You Financially Prepared?
-Earthquake Preparedness

and much more!

$7 per person
21 preparedness workshops
Vendors and door prizes

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
Be Ready UtahThe Great Utah ShakeOut