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Bluffdale City ShakeOut Party

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April 19, 2012, 5:30 - 7:30 pm, ShakeOut Week event at Bluffdale City Park

Event Location:
Bluffdale City Park
14400 South 2200 West
Bluffdale, UT 84065 (Map)

Contact Person:
Connie Jones, Emergency Management,, 801-419-6278

"ShakeOut Party" to celebrate our successful earthquake drills. Roasted hotdogs, prizes, Teddy Bear First Aid Station, and volleyball. Our special guests--The Utah National Guard, will deliver supplies for dinner at 5:30 pm. JVWCD will bring their water trailer.

Full Description:
A "ShakeOut Party" for the whole city where we come together to celebrate our two days of successful drills. We will roast hotdogs as part of our dinner (all free). Utah National Guard will deliver food and supplies for dinner at 5:30 pm. Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District will arrive at 5:30 also with their 2000 gallon water trailer. This will be our source of water for the evening, and people will bring clean one-gallon containers to fill up at the water trailer to use for their dinner. Children may bring a stuffed animal that got "injured" during the earthquake and have it treated at the Teddy Bear First Aid Station. PRIZES will be given out during the evening. CERT, Lions Club, Bluffdale Communications, Old West Days, and others will have information available. Volleyball will be set up for those who want to play. There will be a few surprises during the evening. You won't want to miss it!

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
Be Ready UtahThe Great Utah ShakeOut