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FEMA Webinar: Earthquake Safety & Mitigation for Schools

October 16, 2012, 2 - 3:30 pm, Webinar at Webinar Link: Audio: Dial 1-(877) 241-4296, Participant Code: 34167944

Event Location:
Webinar Link: Audio: Dial 1-(877) 241-4296, Participant Code: 34167944

Contact Person:

In support of the upcoming Great ShakeOut earthquake drills (drop, cover, hold on drills) on October 18, 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is pleased to announce a one-hour webinar on Earthquake Safety and Mitigation for Schools.

Full Description:
In support of the upcoming Great ShakeOut earthquake drills (drop, cover, hold on drills) on October 18, 2012, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) is pleased to announce a one-hour webinar on Earthquake Safety and Mitigation for Schools.

Webinar Description
Numerous school buildings located in multiple States and U.S. territories are vulnerable to earthquake losses and damage. This includes potential:

Death and injury of students, teachers, and staff
Damage to or collapse of buildings
Damage and loss of furnishings, equipment, and building contents
Disruption of educational programs and school operations
Inability of the community to use schools as temporary shelters
At this webinar, you will learn the following:

How to assess and analyze your earthquake risks
How to develop an actionable plan to reduce and manage earthquake risks
How to initiate an earthquake risk reduction plan for existing school buildings that were not designed and constructed to meet modern building codes
How to secure "non-structural" elements of the school facility
How to apply "incremental seismic rehabilitation" to protect buildings and ensure occupant safety
Why "incremental seismic rehabilitation" is an affordable alternative for school safety
Target Audience

School officials, teachers, facility managers, and other local stakeholders interested in school safety and continued operations.
Recommended Prerequisite

IS-325—Earthquake Basics: Science, Risk, and Mitigation
A 30 minute independent study course that provides basic information on earthquake, its impacts, and general mitigation techniques.

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