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Community Shelter Exercise

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April 16, 2015, 6 - 9 pm, Community Event at Backman Elementary

Event Location:
Backman Elementary
601 N 1500 W
Salt Lake City, UT 84116 (Map)

Event Contact:
Emily Crandall, American Red Cross,, 801-323-7026

Join us for a Community Shelter Exercise Event! See how a Red Cross Shelter operates, learn how to be better prepared for a disaster, and participate in activities and games for the whole family!

Full Description:
The American Red Cross and Salt Lake City Emergency Management are hosting a Community Shelter open house event at Backman Elementary (601 N 1500 W Salt Lake City, UT) and Bonneville Elementary (1145 S 1900 E Salt Lake City, UT)! For this event, we will have:

• HAM radio operators at the school that will be sending information about the shelter to the City Emergency Operating Center.
• CERT volunteers that will practice health assessments within the shelter and at pre-determined homes within the community.
• Shelter Workers that will be able to participate and observe how a Red Cross shelter would function in a real situation.
• Information on community service and involvement opportunities.

Backman Specific Activities:
• Disaster preparedness information and activities for kids and adults.
• Small prizes for activities and a grand prize for one lucky participant!

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
Be Ready UtahThe Great Utah ShakeOut