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ShakeOut Media Advisories

2024 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/11/2024: More than 18 million people nationwide participating in \'Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills\' in 2024 – most on October 17
2023 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/16/2023: More than 17.5 million people nationwide participating in “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills” on October 19
2022 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/19/2022: 'Great ShakeOut' Global Earthquake Safety movement includes more than 18 million U.S. participants in 2022
2021 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/21/2021: Global earthquake safety movement 'ShakeOut' includes more than 30 million participants in 2021
2020 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/14/2020: Hold Your Own Earthquake Drill on International ShakeOut Day this Thursday, October 15
10/06/2020: Millions participating in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, adapting for COVID-19 pandemic
2019 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/15/2019: Great ShakeOut – 45 States, Territories at Risk for Earthquakes
10/14/2019: Millions Worldwide to Participate in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills
2018 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/17/2018: Millions Worldwide To Participate In 2018 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drills
10/08/2018: ShakeOut Media Messaging, Tools, and Events to Inspire Participation and Promote Earthquake Preparedness
2017 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/10/2017: How Radio and TV Stations Can Support Nationwide Participation in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills
09/28/2017: Recent Earthquakes and Tsunamis: Gathering, Understanding, and Sharing Information with the USGS and NOAA Websites
2016 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/13/2016: Millions Worldwide Participate In 2016 Great Shakeout Earthquake Drills
10/11/2016: Broadcasters Support Nationwide Participation in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills
09/19/2016: Nation Prepares in September and Gets Ready to ShakeOut
09/01/2016: USGS: September is National Preparedness Month
09/01/2016: FEMA: September is National Preparedness Month
2015 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/01/2015: Missouri statewide earthquake drill on Oct. 15 teaches preparedness in three simple steps
09/30/2015: Fifth Annual ShakeOut this October 15
09/10/2015: FEMA Encourages Participation in Oct 15 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills (Release)
2014 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/23/2014: Nearly 5 Million Participate in Regional 'ShakeOut' Drills
10/16/2014: 460,000 Missourians participate in ShakeOut Drill
10/15/2014: Great ShakeOut is One Day Away
10/15/2014: 'ShakeOut' Drill puts quake preparedness to the test
10/14/2014: IEMA Urges Illinois Residents to Join ShakeOut
10/14/2014: 'ShakeOut' Drill scheduled for Guthrie School
10/14/2014: Seismometers to Measure DC Shaking
10/14/2014: FEMA Encourages Participation in ShakeOut
10/14/2014: Millions to ShakeOut this Thursday
10/13/2014: Half-a-Million Tennesseeans Sign Up for ShakeOut
10/10/2014: Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill is Oct. 16
10/09/2014: Experts Gather in Advance of National Earthquake Drill
10/09/2014: Get Ready, Missouri: One Week Until Annual Earthquake Drill
10/08/2014: Three Rivers College to Host ShakeOut Drill
10/01/2014: Missouri\'s Annual Statewide Earthquake Drill is Oct. 16
09/24/2014: Fourth Annual 'Great ShakeOut' Set for Oct. 16
09/18/2014: Great ShakeOut Set for October 16 at 10:16AM
08/25/2014: IEMA Encourages Illinois Residents to Register for ShakeOut
08/25/2014: Sunday\'s Napa Earthquake Serves as Reminder
2013 ShakeOut Media Advisories
10/09/2013: Central U.S. to ShakeOut in One Week
10/04/2013: Get Ready for the ShakeOut!
10/03/2013: Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Two Weeks Away
09/30/2013: Get Ready Ohio, to Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
09/23/2013: Get Ready Ohio to Drop, Cover and Hold On!
09/23/2013: Great ShakeOut Drill set for October 17, 2013
09/16/2013: Great 'ShakeOut' Earthquake Drill Set for October 17
09/10/2013: CUSEC to co-host Public Forum in Memphis, TN
08/26/2013: Illinois to participate in ShakeOut Earthquake Drill
03/07/2013: Missouri Students Win Statewide ShakeOut Poster Contest
02/06/2013: Millions to ShakeOut this week in Central U.S. States
02/06/2013: DeSoto Central Primary School in MS to host USGS Director During ShakeOut Drill
02/05/2013: Great Central U.S. ShakeOut to be held this Thursday...
02/05/2013: The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut helps Kentucky Prepare for Earthquakes
02/05/2013: The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut helps Alabama Prepare for Earthquakes
02/05/2013: The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut helps Mississippi Prepare for Earthquakes
02/05/2013: The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut helps Tennessee Prepare for Earthquakes
02/01/2013: Governor Quinn Urges Illinoisans to Join in ShakeOut drill
01/29/2013: TV & Radio Broadcasters: Please play 60-second Drill Broadcast on 2/7/2013 at 10:15a.m.
01/25/2013: February is Earthquake Awareness Month
01/24/2013: 2013 Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Only Two Weeks Away...
01/24/2013: Get Ready to Drop, Cover, and Hold On in Ohio...
01/10/2013: 2013 Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Just One Month Away...
01/10/2013: Are You Ready to ShakeOut?
01/08/2013: Great Central US \'ShakeOut\' is Just a Month Away
01/07/2013: Participate in the Annual Central US EQ Exercise: Feb. 7, 2013
10/29/2012: Missouri Schools & Students Invited to Join 'Show- Me Shake'Out EQ Poster Contest
10/24/2012: Registration is Now Open for Missouri\'s Statewide EQ Drill on Feb. 7, 2013
10/02/2012: Central U.S ShakeOut set for February 7, 2013
2012 ShakeOut Media Advisories
02/09/2012: Kentuckians Participate in the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
02/06/2012: Millions to ShakeOut Tomorrow
02/06/2012: AEMA Director Art Faulkner to participate in the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut at Haleyville High School
02/06/2012: Area students among more than 450,000 Illinois participants in “The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
02/06/2012: Kentucky Emergency Management Encourages Earthquake Awareness/ShakeOut
02/03/2012: MEMA Advisory - Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
02/03/2012: TEMA - ShakeOut Drill Starts Earthquake Awareness Week
02/03/2012: FEMA Administrator Urges Businesses to Participate in Earthquake Drill
02/03/2012: FEMA Administrator Urges State and Local Governments to Participate in Earthquake Drill
02/03/2012: Red Cross Participating in Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
02/02/2012: Governor Quinn Proclaims February Earthquake Preparedness Month
02/02/2012: TV and Radio Stations: Please Broadcast ShakeOut on 2/7/2012 at 10:15AM
02/02/2012: Memphis City Schools to Participate in the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
01/31/2012: Governor Bentley Proclaims February 6-10 Earthquake Awareness Week as a part of Great Central U.S. ShakeOut events
01/31/2012: Central U.S. to ShakeOut in One Week
01/31/2012: MEMA Safety Tips During an Earthquake
01/31/2012: CUSEC - Great Central U.S. ShakeOut in One Week
01/30/2012: More than 390,000 Missourians already registered to participate in statewide earthquake drill
01/30/2012: Governor Bryant Proclaims Earthquake Awareness Week
01/30/2012: US Dept. of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano and US Dept. of Education Secretary Duncan Call On Schools And Colleges To Participate In the ShakeOut
01/17/2012: More than 152,000 Illinois Residents Planning to Participate in Multi-State Earthquake Drill
01/17/2012: Tennesseans can participate in second annual Great Central U.S. ShakeOut earthquake drill on Feb. 7
01/10/2012: Drop, Cover and Hold On Feb. 7 for the 2012 Great ShakeOut
01/04/2012: Alabamians are Encouraged to Participate in the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut 2012
12/16/2011: 200th Annivesary of Major Earthquake in New Madrid Seismic Zone
12/15/2011: Nearly 60,000 Illinois Residents Already Registered for “Great Central U.S. ShakeOut”
12/13/2011: Almost 100 Missouri school districts and schools are registered for Feb. 7 statewide earthquake drill
11/15/2011: Missouri schools and students invited to enter 'Show-Me ShakeOut' Earthquake Poster Contest
10/17/2011: Registration is now open for Missourians to participate in second annual 'Great Central U.S. Shakeout' earthquake drill on Feb. 7
10/14/2011: : IEMA Encourages Participation in Multi-State Earthquake Drill - Second Annual 'Great Central U.S. ShakeOut' to be Held Feb. 7
10/13/2011: IEMA Encourages Participation in Multi-State Earthquake Drill
09/22/2011: Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Set for February 7, 2012
2011 ShakeOut Media Advisories
04/27/2011: South Carolina Events for the Great ShakeOut
04/27/2011: Preparing for the Great ShakeOut Drill: Handbook Offers Vital Earthquake History and Preparedness Information to Central U.S. Residents
04/27/2011: Two Earthquake Awareness events planned for Thursday\'s ShakeOut
04/27/2011: Preparing for the Great ShakeOut Drill: Handbook Offers Vital Earthquake History and Preparedness Information to Central U.S. Residents
04/26/2011: Columbia school will participate in ShakeOut earthquake drill Thursday, April 28
04/25/2011: National Earthquake Drill Shakes its Way to Southeast April 28
04/21/2011: One week left to register and participate with more than 417,000 others in Missouri’s largest earthquake drill
04/21/2011: Central U.S. To ShakeOut in One Week
04/19/2011: First Statewide Earthquake Drill Engages 600,000 Hoosiers
04/19/2011: Secretaries Napolitano, Duncan Call On Schools And Colleges To Participate In April Earthquake Drill
04/19/2011: FEMA Commends Indiana for Record Participation in ShakeOut
04/19/2011: Secretaries Napolitano, Duncan Call on School and Colleges to Participate in April Earthquake Drill
04/18/2011: IEMA Encourages Earthquake Preparedness on Anniversary of 2008 Quake in Southeastern Illinois
04/18/2011: 173,000+ Ready to ‘ShakeOut’ in South Carolina
04/18/2011: IEMA Encourages Earthquake Preparedness on Anniversary of 2008 Quake in Southeastern Illinois
04/13/2011: April is Earthquake Preparedness Month; Franklin County Launches Earthquake Preparedness Campaign
04/12/2011: IEMA Offers Tips for Making Homes Earthquake Resistant
04/12/2011: New Web site provides media with video and other resources
04/11/2011: The Great ShakeOut Encourages Disaster Preparedness
04/04/2011: Great Central US ShakeOut Less Than One Month Away
04/01/2011: IEMA Highlights Earthquake Preparedness in April
04/01/2011: IEMA Highlights Earthquake Preparedness in April
03/28/2011: South Carolina to Take Part in the Great ShakeOut, 100,000 Participants to Date
03/28/2011: Earthquake Poster Contest Winners Announced
03/17/2011: Hoosiers Lead the Way in Largest Midwest Earthquake Drill Ever
03/14/2011: Expected Participants for the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut Tops One Million
03/11/2011: Central U.S. TV and Radio Stations: Please transmit the “Drill Broadcast” for the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
03/11/2011: Video featuring Jefferson City school children now helping teach Midwest residents what to do during an earthquake
03/10/2011: Memphis City Schools to Participate in the Great Central U.S. ShakeOut
03/09/2011: Great Central US ShakeOut - CFSB Pledges to Participate - Will You?
03/02/2011: More than 100 school districts and individual schools are already registered for Missouri\'s first statewide earthquake drill
ShakeOut Media Advisories
12/12/2010: On The 199th Anniversary of New Madrid Quake, FEMA Urges the Public To Be Prepared Today

© 2025 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
The Great Central U.S. ShakeOut